'The Nah, Yeah' Nippers Mix

This is one mixed up son of a beach! Oceans of sea salted beer nuts, even saltier mini pretzels, And from totally out of left field, Sweet N’ Thick Choc Coated Peanuts! It’s one for hot summers and cool breezes for those days you never want to end.

For: those who are a little sweet with a bit of a salty side.

Pair with: The Sand in your feet and good mates around you.

‘The Nah, Yeah’ Nippers blend is made with: Peanuts 3 ways: Honey Roasted, Crunchy Coated & Chocolate Coated along with Mini Pretzels.



This is one mixed up son of a beach! Oceans of sea salted beer nuts, even saltier mini pretzels, And from totally out of left field, Sweet N’ Thick Choc Coated Peanuts! It’s one for hot summers and cool breezes for those days you never want to end.

For: those who are a little sweet with a bit of a salty side.

Pair with: The Sand in your feet and good mates around you.

‘The Nah, Yeah’ Nippers blend is made with: Peanuts 3 ways: Honey Roasted, Crunchy Coated & Chocolate Coated along with Mini Pretzels.
